Saturday, December 17, 2011

How long does the average soldier spend in the army?

I'm doing some research and want to know the average number of years that someone spends in the Army.

Obviously some spend the minimum time for enlistment and others spend years and years. I'm looking for an average number that is spent.|||Here is an interesting website:

It has this paragraph:

Enlistment Periods. Thought you were enlisting for four years? Think again. It may surprise you to learn that ALL non-prior service enlistments in the United States Military incurs a total eight year service obligation. Yep. When you sign that enlistment contract, you are obligating yourself to the military for a total of eight years. Whatever time is not spent on active duty, or in the active Guard/Reserves (if you enlisted in the Guard/Reserves) must be spent in the inactive reserves.

I think it was written by "someone who's been there."|||Over 40% of soldier who enlist, do not even complete their initial service obligation.

They are separated because criminal behavior, drug use, pre existing medical conditions, medical conditions, failure to adapt, failure to meet standards, etc.

If you were to figure out the average time spent in service by everyone who enlist, it would be around 3 years.

The Army has 500,000 service members, 70,000 leave the service every year.|||15% don't make it through basic training. I'd say another 10% get put out for medical, discipline, or other problems. I'd say 3 in 4 enlistedmen who complete their first enlistment get out after 3 or 4 years (1 enlistment). A few who get out come back, a few join he national guard, and a few get out, go to college, and become officers. I'd say another 25% get out after another 3 or 4 years. Most of the remaining stay 20 years. A few get out of other services and then join the Army. Officers have to do college and ROTC/West Point plus 4 years, and I'd say half get out after 4. Most of the rest do 20 years.|||Average is about 6 years I believe. If you are committed in joining but not sure for how long, try the minimum which is 3 years. Then If you like it, you can rein-list.|||The average time is six years. Give or take a few months. They were talking about this on the discovery channel a few days back.

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