Thursday, December 15, 2011

What is the average age at which someone buys a gun? What is the demographic profile of a gun buyer?

I am working on a project and I am looking for information on the average gun buyer.

For example:

Age, gender, race, etc?

I have come across a lot of unreliable data with no statistics behind it but nothing concrete. I am looking for something like, "The average gun buyer is a 35 year old white male"

Any help is appreciated!|||Well..

The average gun buyer is between 18 and 90. The curve is basically flat from 21 to 70, with a sharp upward slope between 18 to 21, and a linear downward slope from 70 to 90. More males buy guns than females in approximately a 35 to 65 percent ratio. As to race, there is no dominate group.

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