Monday, December 12, 2011

What is the average cost a company pays an employee for milage?

If the average cost of gas is roughly around $3.89 per gallon, what is the normal or average cost a company would reimburse for gas per mile?|||Companies can reimburse you whatever they choose. They can choose to give you nothing for mileage, though I wouldn't work for a company like that for long, myself. The federal gov't states that you are entitiled to claim a mileage reimbursement for business miles driven. The current rate is 50.5 cents per mile driven. If your company gives you less than that, you can claim the difference on your taxes, so save your mileage logs!

This doesn't include mileage to and from work. If you leave from home to go to a business meeting, you must deduct the mileage from your home to your office.

As an example, if you're 10 miles from your office and you head to a business meeting 30 miles in the opposite direction from the office, you'd have driven 60 miles, but you must deduct the 20 mile round trip that is your daily commute. If you report to the office, then leave and return to the office, you record all mileage from the office to the meeting and back.|||There's currently a national standard of gasoline reimbursement per mile. I think it is around $0.45 per mile.|||I live in the UK. I used to get 43pence per mile. I know this probably won't help you unless you convert it to Dollars.|||Around 50 cents per mile

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