Sunday, December 4, 2011

What is the average food serving size for the average dog?

In GRAMS only, what is the average food serving size for the average dog? I'm doing an assignment and all I need is the overall average, not the amount for each type of dog.|||Pick a brand of food that appropriate for you dog then read the feeding chart at the side of the bag. Normally it goes by the size and weight of a dog. You can split the feeding suggestion into half then feed one half in the morning and the other half in the evening. This way will be easier for your dog to digest.|||there is no average for dogs - you will have to be more specific for your assignment. Concentrate on a couple of breeds say 1 toy 1 medium and 1 large/giant breed then you could give the weights of food per day.

Or you could say that any size dog should be fed 3-4% of the dogs bodyweight per day, that includes bones / mince or if the person feeds their dog processed dog poison then canned or dry food.

good luck with your assignment|||2-4 cups of dry dog food a day

1 cup of dry dog food is about 70 grams, depending on the dog food (size of the kibbel, weight of it, moisture level, etc)

so, 140-280 grams a day of dry dog food or

average medium size dog will eat 2 cans of food a day, which is about 32 ounces a day, which would be 28 grams per can, so that would be 54 ounces a day of canned food|||There is no average. My last dog ate two servings of 4 cups = 8 cups per day. My current dog gets 10 kernals of kibble twice a day.|||Define the "average" dog.|||every dog is different you got breeds and sizes|||"In GRAMS only"!?!

Do your own damned homework!!!


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