Monday, December 12, 2011

What was the average speed of Jojo and Henry?

Jojo and Henry started from the same point and traveled on a straight course in opposite directions, exactly two hours at which time they were 208 miles apart. Jojo traveled on average 8 mph faster than Henry. What was the average speed of each, for the 2-hour trip?|||Speed of Jojo鈥攕:

2(s + s - 8) = 208

2s - 8 = 104

2s = 112

s = 56

Speed of Henry:

= 56 - 8

= 48

Answer: Jojo, 56 mph; Henry, 48 mph|||Being 208 miles apart after 2 hours, their separation velocity is, together, 104 miles per hour.

If you designate their respective velocities as j and h, you can write

1). j + h = 104 mph ( from which their average speed is 52 mph.) and

2). j = h + 8 mph or

3). j - h = 8 mph.

Adding 1) and 3) gives 2j = 112 mph from which

j = 56 mph. Plugging this result into 1) or 2) gives h = 48 mph.|||Let J = avg speed of Jojo

Let H = avg speed of Henry

2J + 2H = 208

J + H = 104

J = H + 8

(H + 8) + H = 104

2H + 8 = 104

2H = 96

H = 48

J = 48 + 8

J = 56

Jojo's average speed was 56mph and Henry's was 48mph

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